Frequently asked questions

In this FAQ (frequently asked questions) section, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions from our customers. If you cannot find the answer to your question in the FAQ section, please contact us immediately.

Pourquoi externaliser la traduction et la localisation auprès d’une agence ?

Assessing the exact costs of a translation is often very complex. This is because conventional evaluations simply calculate external costs. In addition, it is important to consider the total cost of a translation project including internal costs (selection, training, coordination and supervision of technicians, purchase of equipment, time spent, etc.). GlobaWare offers tools to industrialise your translations and simplify your approach while controlling your costs. You know exactly the deadlines and budget for each assignment. Website translation or software localisation is a specialised and complex job. It requires the cooperation of different categories of professionals. Not only linguists, but also engineers, testers, graphic designers, programmers, project managers, etc. Outsourcing this work to a specialized team means giving yourself the assurance of achieving your budget and deadlines and quality.

Pourquoi payer une entreprise spécialisée dans la traduction alors qu’on peut faire appel à des traducteurs indépendants?

Unlike freelance translators, a translation and localisation agency such as GlobaWare provides you with a comprehensive and complete service. This is why it provides you with a project manager and coordination resources. It should be noted that the cost is not necessarily higher than that of an independent translator. Using a translation agency also guarantees the availability of translators. You are also responsible for ensuring that all control procedures are followed, that documents are reviewed, that the work of the translators is consistent and that the overall project is managed.

Comment choisir entre traduction humaine et traduction automatique ?

The automatic translator allows a quick understanding of e-mails, texts, etc. In other words, it is about grasping the approximate meaning of a word or text. It is also a great productivity tool. However, it is risky to translate documents or websites with this type of software. This practice can lead to misunderstandings and inaccuracies. Therefore, post-editing often has to be considered. Only an expert translator can provide you with a quality translation with all the nuances and details inherent to the language and the specific field in question.

Comment assurez-vous la sécurité et la confidentialité des informations envoyées ?

All document exchange is done electronically (email, web platform, FTP or transfer sites). We store all your information on systems behind a firewall, all located on the GlobaWare premises. Specifically, there is no remote storage or backup service. GlobaWare has set up a unique file server, accessible only to authorised accounts. Anti-virus and anti-spyware software protect your data in our systems.

Comment effectuez-vous les devis ?

We process your requests for quotes quickly. We calculate quotations on an hourly basis (language engineering, interpreting, training) or by quantity (words for translation). Rates may vary depending on the complexity or technicality of the documents to be translated. The scarcity of translators or interpreters for certain languages can also increase the cost. A minimum fee may apply in some cases. This may apply, for example, to the translation of texts containing few words or to a very short interpreting assignment.

Sous quel format dois-je envoyer mes documents ?

The source files must be readable and usable (Word, PowerPoint, Excel formats). Please note that PDF documents and other scanned images are not translatable as is. They therefore involve recovery and formatting work, lengthening deadlines and generating additional billing